Frozen Pizza Maker Reduces Costs

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Frozen Pizza Maker Reduces Costs

The Customer

A frozen pizza co-manufacturer for a large food manufacturing conglomerate

The Challenge

Our client needed to reduce costs for the customer by evaluating lost production time, overweight product giveaway and wasted packaging.


The Solution:

All possible sources of waste were examined for cost savings. This included scrap materials and packaging, sanitation losses and overweight product. The sanitation crew was time studied to identify ways to decrease the time to clean the line. This included optimizing simultaneous activities and moving as much work as possible external to the sanitation. The six hour
sanitation process was able to be reduced to 4.5 hours. To find the sources for overweight products, pizzas were weighed at different stages of assembly to determine which specific ingredients were overweight.
The temperature of the ingredients was correlated to the applied weight to determine if there was a relationship. Some ingredients did show a relationship and beer temperature control was implemented using IoT temprature sensors made by Neuronics.